Posted Date: : Jun 14, 2004 3:24 AM
jun 09, 04 Cantik? Heh! At a time it's superficially nuthin'. My
heart is broke. And I got nuthin'. Can you see it? jun 13, 04 Am I lost
thinking and my guidance? And people need to greet me out there to save me for
my own desperation? Dan adakah ini sort of my ... blister-blither-weirdeness
yang buat keluar perkara-perkara yang sukar diterjemahkan oleh orang lain
selain dari diri aku sendiri? If you really know who I am and my people, you
just need to say "rilek ah", think about nothing at all, and calm
(not me but yourself) down. When Munk, Nasir, Azu, Himang, Pali start their
word upon me they know what will come out from my hand, and it's (really)
normal than what outsider think it as "weird" (because you guys need
to understand that, the way my people treat me is different than the way you
guys treat me). How am I suppose to smile when you never make me smile at all?
(But I did smile at the way you guys think that I'm weird and need to 'examine
and repair' me. That's so funny!) Oh, yeah! I did lost my inspiration. Lots of
my inspirations. Satu ni, di Kuala Terengganu, mereka adalah inspirasi dan saya
perlukan restu mereka, tetapi sehingga kini, saya belum ketemu mereka, kerana
'kenyataan mengigit'. Ia menimbulkan kebimbangan kepada saya. Kegelisahan saya
ketika sedang berkerja. Worry and anxious, those 2 thing perlahan-lahan
membunuh saya, and you think I am weird for what I've become? INHALE! I need to
get away lalu saya mengikut 'desire' saya, ia juga membunuh saya. Run desire,
run! At this point I think about inspiration yang kedua ni. Month of 2, I
dissapoint her seawal janji pertama. I think ("jangan serius sangat
tentang apa yang ko pikir ni!" ) she deny me for what I did. Everywhere,..
she deny me. Lama juga. But serius shit, seawal kami kenal we never feel weird
at each other at all. Recently she being good with me. So I said, "denial
is hell". So what's wrong with you guys? Yang ke-3 ni, my band friends. I
love my band. We the band just like brother. Never we feel weird. Yang aku rasa
weird pulak aku boleh rilekkan diorang atas apa yang berlaku kepada kami, a
collective. Kenapa aku boleh rilek sedang aku jauh dari diorang? Optimis
sungguh. Sebab aku deicde untuk beralih, bukan mereka, dan aku perlu tanggung
atas apa yang berlaku. My good-close friends out there, yang memahami. Mereka
juga inspirasi, you move me. The good thing is in a week saya akan berjumpa
dengan inspirasi saya yang pertama itu. Insya Allah. Exhale....
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